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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Traditional Food Of Sabah

     Kadazan ethnic communities in Sabah have been eating tradition down from generation to generation and is still practiced today. Among the most famous traditional food among the Kadazan is Hinava, Noonsom, Pinaasakan and Manuk Lihing Sup. These foods can be prepared in various ways according to common practice of traditional Kadazan people.
    For example,the Hinava prown. How to make it is....


Discard the skins and heads of shrimp. Rinse thoroughly. Cut each prawn from head to tail. Put the shrimp into the basin and marinate with salt for 1 minit.Tuang lime juice and mix ingredients Leave for 10 minutes before serving.

    The tradional food is one of the way that can attract tourist to come at our place. So,we must take care of our customs, including traditional foods to the next generation.

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